Now it’s out
All the donations we collected with our Wishing Tree campaign have now reached the recipients:
Bahnhofsmission Karlsruhe
Coffee, gloves, dates, juice, Taschentücher and cookies for people in need
Hanne -Landgraf-Stiftung/AWO Karlsruhe
A cheque for 715 euros to the SINNvoll learning project for children and teens
Tierschutzverein Ettlingen
Dog, cat and rabbit food for the animal inhabitants
Throughout December 2024, Kraus & Naimer colleagues were able to pick a card from the Christmas tree in the foyer and then make their wish come true.
Stefanie Polzer and Sonja Reinle from Marketing now had the wonderful task of delivering all the donations in kind and money to the three charitable organizations at the start of 2025. We would like to share some of their reactions with you:
“Your visit and your support have a lasting positive effect on our daily work - your donation helps us enormously to support people in need.” Sabine Höhn, Head of Station mission Karlsruhe
“It's not tutoring, children benefit from learning coaching in which they are motivated and learn how to structure themselves and work out content themselves.” Markus Barton, CEO AWO. He estimates that with the help of this project, in around 80% of cases, school drop-out or the risk of failing to pass can be averted.
“We are always dependent on donations, but the successes are encouraging. Luckily, we've been able to find a lot of cats in particular recently.” Esther, empleyee at animal home Ettlingen
A wonderful project that calls for repetition! A big thank you also came from Ralf Schick (management), who presented all participants with one of the coveted Kraus & Naimer coffee or espresso cups as a memento.