350 – 800 Ampere OFF-Load Switches

The L-Series
The switches of the L-series from 350 A to 2400 A are continuous current rated for off-load switching. They are designed for switching of resistive or low-inductive loads. The terminals are able to connect either cable lugs or copper bus bars. This series has easily accessible terminals – even when the switch is already mounted.
The terminals are accessible either horizontally or vertically. Auxiliary contacts, padlock devices and door clutches are only a few possible optional extras, which are applicable to this switch series.
Main Catalog: Switches up to 350 to 2400 A

Thermal Current:
lu/lth [A]: 500
Utilization Category (3 x 380 V – 440 V):
AC-21B [A]: 450
AC-23B [kW]: 132

Thermal Current:
lu/lth [A]: 800
Utilization Category (3 x 380 V – 440 V):
AC-21B [A]: 500
AC-23B [kW]: 132
According to IEC 60947-3, EN 60947-3, VDE 0660 part 107.
- ON/OFF-Switches
- Changeover switches
- Step switches
Basically the L-series are designed for vertical wiring. Horizontal wiring is available for Panel Mounting and Base Mounting.
Panel Mounting
The Panel Mountings are well used mountings which cover wide application ranges.
- The four hole mountings, which are fixed by 4 screws around the center shaft hole. The four hole mountings provide several variations which make them fit for all tasks.
Base Mounting
Base Mounting is used to fix a switch at the rear side, therefore it is the commonly used mounting for larger distribution cabinets.
The switch can be mounted at the base panel by four screws. For this mounting, several door clutches with or without padlock are available.