KN Controls 700 T

First step into IIoT compatibility
The robust and compact devices of the 700 T series can be used as a gateway, powerful HMI, as a PLC (Codesys V3) or as a secure router.
Therefore the series serves as a central element in the communication between automation and cloud. The 700 T series offers the perfect devices for data-intensive and complex IIoT applications.

Linux RT, ARM Cortex-A8 Single Core 1 GHz
512 MB RAM, 4 GB Flash
2 x Ethernet-Ports, 1 x USB 2.0 Host Port
1 x Serial port (RS-232/422/485) configurable via software, SD Card

Linux RT, ARM Cortex-A8 Dual Core 800 MHz
1 GB RAM, 4 GB Flash
3 x Ethernet-Ports, 2 x USB 2.0 Host Ports
1 x Serial port (RS-232/422/485) configurable via software, SD Card

Linux RT, ARM Cortex-A8 Quad Core 800 MHz
2 GB RAM, 8 GB Flash
3 x Ethernet-Ports, 2 x USB 2.0 Host Ports
1 x Serial port (RS-232/422/485) configurable via software, SD Card