da 32 – 63 Ampere con morsetti a vite

Serie CA
I commutatori della serie C- rappresentano il classico commutatore a camme della Kraus & Naimer. La serie dispone di morsetti a vite imperdibili facilmente accessibili, anche quando il commutatore è già montato.
I morsetti con protezione IP20 sono accessibili orizzontalmente o verticalmente. I commutatori della serie C offrono una soluzione per la maggior parte delle applicazioni dei commutatori a camme. Diversi design dei contatti, materiali di contatto e morsetti permettono l’uso come commutatori, commutatori di strumentazione e per motori, nonchè in circuiti elettriconici e in ambienti aggressivi.
Catalogo 100: Serie C, CA, CAD, L da 10 A – 2400 A

Thermal Current:
lu/lth [A]: 32
Utilization Category (3 x 380 V – 440 V):
AC-23A [kW]: 15
AC-3 [kW]: 11

Thermal Current:
lu/lth [A]: 40
Utilization Category (3 x 380 V – 440 V):
AC-23A [kW]: 18.5
AC-3 [kW]: 15

Thermal Current:
lu/lth [A]: 50
Utilization Category (3 x 380 V – 440 V):
AC-23A [kW]: 22
AC-3 [kW]: 18:5

Thermal Current:
lu/lth [A]: 63
Utilization Category (3 x 380 V – 440 V):
AC-23A [kW]: 30
AC-3 [kW]: 18:5
According to IEC 60947-3, EN 60947-3, VDE 0660 part 107.
- ON/OFF-Switches
- Double-throw switches
- Multi-step switches
- General application switches
- Series general application switches
- Series-parallel general application switches
- Control switches
- Control and alarm switches with illuminated handle
- Motor switches
Basically the CA-series are designed for vertical wiring. Horizontal wiring is available for Panel Mounting and Base Mounting.
Panel Mounting
The Panel Mountings are well used mountings which cover wide application ranges.
They consist of two main groups.
- The two/four hole mountings, which are fixed by (2/4) screws around the center shaft hole.
- While at the single-hole mountings the shaft hole is used for fixation.
The two/four hole mountings provide several variations which make them fit for all tasks.
Base Mounting
Base Mounting is used to fix a switch at the rear side, therefore it is the commonly used mounting for larger distributing cabinets.
The switch can be mounted at the base panel by two or four screws and also by 'Snap-On'. For this mounting, several door clutches with or without padlock are available.