
Kraus & Naimer: Generating green electricity on one’s own roof
Since June 2021, the largest production facility of Kraus & Naimer Group located in Weikersdorf am Steinfelde (Lower Austria) uses its newly established photovoltaic installation to generate its own power.
Vienna, April 1, 2022 - Owing to its new photovoltaic installation, Kraus & Naimer not only saves costs but also helps to preserve the environment. The independence from constantly rising energy prices gained using solar power enables the company to sustainably lower its costs on a long-term basis.
Photo 1 © Karl Mayerhofer GesmbH

Why the plastics industry is struggling to maintain its reputation
Kraus & Naimer presents its new cooperation with WIFI St. Pölten
Vienna, August 5, 2021: The plastics industry, which counts among the major industries worldwide, is currently struggling to maintain its reputation. Each year, more than 400 tons of plastic are produced. However, in Austria, only 25 percent of plastic waste have to be recycled. Microplastics accumulating in our oceans present a serious problem. The abrasion of tires is the number one cause of microplastics (approximately 62 percent). As a plastics processing company, we believe that the general fear concerning plastics is greater than it should be. There are plenty of reasons why plastics are an excellent material that should not be regarded solely as harmful.
Photo 1 © WIFI NÖ
![Kraus & Naimer Neuer Stammsitz Schumanngasse 39 (C)David Rudolf [Translate to English:] Neuer Stammsitz neues Büro Industriestandort Währing Wien Kraus & Naimer Schumanngasse 39](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/f/csm_2_NeuerStammsitz_Schumanngasse39_Web_8917300972.jpg)
The specialist for industrial switches Kraus & Naimer has has been recertified as ‘Austria’s Leading Company’
Kraus & Naimer Produktion GmbH, another excellent company based in Vienna has been certified again as a leading company in Austria.
The award was handed over by the Managing Director of Austria’s Leading Companies Monica Rintersbacher to the Chief Financial Officer Mag. Harald Zeller during a digital certificate ceremony (link to video: Leading companies in Austria are selected after passing a rigorous evaluation procedure. They are exemplary companies that have committed themselves to long lasting business success, innovation and corporate social responsibility. Austria’s Leading Companies offer the most successful companies in Austria a unique platform for intensifying a multidisciplinary and cross-border know-how exchange.

Vienna Worldwide. The Viennese Industry. Kraus & Naimer presents cooperation with Royal Grolsch in the Netherlands.
The industrial switches manufactured by the Viennese industrial company Kraus & Naimer are used in the Dutch brewery Royal Grolsch N.V.
Vienna, June 14, 2019 – Under the motto “Vienna Worldwide. The Viennese Industry” the Industry Division of the Austrian Economic Chambers presents for the first time the fascinating and exciting international projects of the Viennese Industry. Together with other Viennese companies, Kraus & Naimer presents examples of its international endeavors.
*More printable pictures available on request

Kraus & Naimer:
Leading Company in the network
of exemplary companies.
The global company with its headquarters in Vienna is a new member of the Austria's Leading Companies.
Vienna, January 25, 2019 – Kraus & Naimer has been certified as a Leading Company in Austria, which makes it a member of a high-level business network. The award was handed over to Mag. Harald Zeller, CFO of Kraus & Naimer Group, during a festive ceremony in the Belvedere Palace.

Kraus & Naimer: High-level visit by the Austrian diplomatic mission to the branch of Kraus & Naimer Netherlands.
Austrian companies are an important economic factor abroad.
Vienna (A) / Hengelo (NL), July 25, 2018 - The Austrian ambassador Ges. Mag. Dr. Heidemaria Gürer in the Netherlands recently visited a Kraus & Naimer branch in Hengelo (NL) with a business delegation from the region to get to know Austria's business network in the country better. A visit that not only underscored the diplomatic relations between the countries but also allowed looking behind the scenes of a specialized world market leader.
Foto 1 Heidemaria Gürer, Eddy van Hiijum, Bert Koershuis
Foto 2 Look behind the scenes
Foto 3 Delegation in front of company building, Kraus & Naimer Holland (Hengelo)
Press contact:
Kraus & Naimer Produktion GmbH
Schumanngasse 39
1180 Vienna