Kraus & Naimer recertified as ‘Austria's leading company’ for the third time

A nice and pleasant evening in Baden, near Vienna. The annual Leitbetriebe Austria’s kick-off event took place in the magnificent ballroom of Casino Baden on January, 24th 2023. During the ceremony Kraus & Naimer was certified for the third time as “Austria’s Leading Company”.
Kraus & Naimer celebrates the great achievement
“All good things come in threes” and for the third time in a row Kraus & Naimer received the Austria’s Leading Company Certificate. For the first time since the start of the pandemic the certification ceremony was held in person in the wonderful Casino Baden ballroom.

Evaluation passed again
Austria’s Leading Companies are selected after passing a rigorous evaluation procedure: the certificate is awarded only to exemplary companies that meet specific requirements and have committed themselves to long lasting business success, innovation and corporate social responsibility.
The Austria’s Leading Certificate has a period of validity of 2 years. It was awarded for the first time to Kraus & Naimer in 2019, for the second time in 2021 and for the third time in 2023. Similar to the previous certification ceremonies, the 2023 award was handed over to Chief Financial Officer Mag. Harald Zeller.

A special get-together
At the Leitbetriebe Austria’s kick-off event 5 companies were awarded for the first time the prestigious certificate and 21 leading companies were recertified. During this special evening all participants had the chance to meet, talk and network while enjoying a rich buffet and a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere.

Experience the event with us
Watch the recap video below and take a glimpse behind the scenes of the Leitbetriebe Austria event. Experience with us some of the most memorable moments:
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